Contact lenses are a great alternative or complement to glasses for those who require corrective eyewear. They come in a variety of forms, made of different materials, and designed for different patterns of wear. Our specialists can help choose the best type for your eyes, furnish you with the correct prescription, and provide expert instruction for proper care and use of your contacts.
The experts at Benaim Eye Optical have extensive experience with specialty contact lenses and have been fitting patients with lenses for many years & We work with multiple lens manufacturers, offering expertise not only with spherical lenses, but also toric lenses for astigmatism and multifocals for the correction of distance and near vision. They also fit many patients who have keratoconus with rigid gas permeable lenses. You can rest assured that whether you need a contact lens fitting or a vision correction surgery like LASIK eye surgery that our staff will help you choose the right path for your comfort and vision needs.
Receive a $25 gift certificate towards a pair of sunglasses with any annual supply order of contact lenses from our Optical Department.
Brands Include:
Proclear Spherical
Proclear Toric
Proclear Multifocal
Acuvue Oasys
Acuvue Advance
Acuvue for Astigmatism
and more…