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How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is the best option to restore cataract damaged vision. With a 95% success rate, it is one of the most effective ways of restoring sight with minimal down time. The first step of the process involves running tests to determine the type of IOL (Intraocular Lens) to suit your eyes. The tests will be instrumental in determining the shape and size of your eyes as well as the curvature of the cornea. When cataract surgery is first recommended for you, your doctor may require you to stop taking specific types of medication (if you take them) to minimize the risk of bleeding during the surgery. Most people are able to resume their daily routines and return to work within 2 days of the surgery. Be sure to allocate time for recovery as your vision will be blurry right after the procedure. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotic eye drops that you will have to use one or two days before your surgery. There are some cases where the doctor may prescribe oral medication instead of eye drops. Nevertheless, be sure to stick to your doctor’s instructions. Make sure that you do not consume any alcohol the night before your surgery. Your doctor may also require you to not eat after having dinner on the night before your surgery. Make sure to discuss any additional requirements or instructions before your surgery. For instance, any risk factors that you may be worried about and if your doctor needs special preparations, it is best to get them out of the way with plenty of time left for the surgery. On the day of the surgery it is best to wear comfortable clothing and to not apply any type of cosmetics on your face or eyes. Be sure to have someone prepared to drive you home after the procedure. A quick discharge is normal with this type of surgery and the procedure itself takes about 10 minutes.

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